Frog Life Cycle Lesson

The teacher that I'm working with (Mrs. Tarpenning) has a goal that by the end of this Arts Bridge experience this semester that the children will learn a dance that includes the life cycle of frogs, chickens, and butterflies.

Stage one, frogs, is complete (woohoo!)

I used this power point to summarize the important parts of each stage of the frog's life cycle. Then the movement included at the end of the power point was the movement the children did to physically show these points.

Then I asked the children to describe to me what they see or experience when they see the pictures of frogs at these different stages. The second graders gave awesome descriptive words and these are what became of the descriptions that the class felt was the most important...
(the second one on tadpole is supposed to say "long tail and round head")

As we were discussing these different descriptors I had volunteers show me through movement how they believe these words would feel as they move. The physical response that was the most unique was a boy's response to "green". He tucked in his elbows, and makes a squawking roaring sound because to him, he associated green with dinosaurs. I saw some other really creative associations with green from the kids.

Then the children learned to be respectful audience member and performed these different descriptor words for each other, ending each life cycle in an interesting shape.

These second graders are smart. Seeing them do their own innovative and creative movement is extremely rewarding.


  1. It's so fun to see the kids come up with movements that represent these words!

  2. Would have loved to have seen their shapes and movements for disgusting!


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