Lauren Evans, Arts Bridge Scholar

I am Lauren Evans and I am an Arts Bridge Scholar.
I've always loved to teach. When I was little I would teach my sisters the "right way" to eat string cheese

You don't bite it, gross.

I found my love of dance through trying to get out of taking PE. I grew up in Kansas City, KS and in the school district if you were on the dance team you didn't have to take PE. I had no formal training of dance until I was thrust on the dance team and learned how to make it work.

I kept dancing as it gave me an outlet of communication that laid dormant until I found expression through dance. As I kept dancing and choreographing through the years it seemed abundantly clear that all I wanted to do for the rest of my life was dance and teach dance and then dance some more.

Thus, I am a senior at Brigham Young University majoring in Dance Education.

This semester I get to teach integrated classroom material to 2nd graders at Butterfield Canyon Elementary in Herriman, UT. The kids are eager to learn and move courageously.

Aren't they fearless?

I'm excited as you follow along with me in discovering the things I'm really great at as a teacher and the things I'm really bad at.

I'm really bad at a lot

I'm also really good at a lot.

I'll be honest on here about my discoveries. I hope that you do the same.


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